Saturday, October 27, 2007

Blackface Commemorated? reports that:

"Warner Home Video is commemorating the movie's—and the genre's—80th birthday with a new, deluxe three-disc Jazz Singer DVD. If you're not up for 265
minutes of Al Jolson, blackface or Al Jolson acting like a hammy ham while
smeared in blackface* then we suggest you celebrate cinema's sound era by
visiting (or revisiting) some of the finer examples of spoken dialogue.
Our ears recommend Casablanca, All About Eve, Annie Hall, Chasing Amy and just about anything written by Billy Wilder."

Hollywood's first feature-length "talkie", Jazz Singer, stars Jewish actor Al Jolson.

I personally recommend anything starring Denzel Washington or Al Pacino...actually, anything preferably not starring actors smeared in blackface.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is halarious! you should continue to post...